I have often wondered whether to call it a CRM solution or CRM software or as the title suggests as CRM software solutions. By whatever name we may choose to call it , an effective CRM implementation will only be possible if we take both software and solution as part of the system. Necessarily, we must consider the business aspects before even venturing towards CRM. The three broad aspects which need closer examination are data collection, classification and deployment. CRM software solution must be able to address all the three aspects effectively. A good CRM software solution would be capable of data mining, data abstraction which would include business intelligence and providing solutions.
In the end, the CRM software solution will only be as effective as the sum of its parts. What surprises me is the level of confusion among industry experts when it comes to implementing a CRM software solution. As a result enterprises land up with solutions which are rather inappropriate to their situation. What’s sauce for the goose may not be sauce for the gander. One has to therefore make a wish list of what exactly they want from their CRM software solution and then hunt for the right one.